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A member registered Apr 14, 2022

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I got to the secret room. Hint: it's on one of the pathways on the bottom floor. I don't trust it saying there's nothing else to do here....

How long is this game!? I thought I was getting near the end, but I'm only 1/10 of the way there! I wouldn't have been surprised if this was a paid game, it's been two months of playtime. Great work

I think that would have been scarier if I didn't name everything "asodjoivjreonv"

Dang it I knew there was something with that grass area but I didn't know what... Thanks I'll try this out

No, the main ending is easy for me now, I don't know where the secret ending is. I know there is a pu maualuga i le puipui agavale o le malumalu i totonu (translate from samoan --> english for potential spoiler) but I don't know how to get there

the amount of clues and puzzles in that second room made my head hurt... very good game though

suggestion: it's really hard to control the zoom on a touchpad, idk if its like that on a mouse but laptop players are basically forced to stick to the default zoom

very interesting and fun game otherwise

Nice game

The inner sanctum is evil, especially the part with the big rotating mold bar and the keys. Had fun though. 

btw you can go into settings and turn off lighting effects for the third painting :)

me wen i get hump scared by wantler whitse: 😱😱😱😨😨